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时间:2018-11-29  来源:中国教育在线  作者:佚名  

Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write a short composition of about l00—120 words on the tide:On Television.Base your composition on the outline given below:





(1)TV has advantages.

(2)TV also has disadvantages.

(3)My idea is that...


【参考范文】On Television

Television has many advantages.First,it can provide with many programs and much information such as news and films.Second,it can provide TV university courses to people for bettering themselves.

However.television has its own disadvantages.Its radiation often hurts viewers’ eyes.And what’s nlor0.there are too many advertisements and violent shows on TV programs.They are harmful to young kids.

In my opinion,it is hard to say whether television is good or bad,and its value to people totally depends on how they look at it and how to make full use of it.
